Updated August 16th ~ 4:28pm.

Man, oh man! I'm finally finished with my summer courses! It was a great feeling just finishing that last biology exam and leaving the building...only to know I'll be back at campus in a couple of weeks (sniffle). Oh well. Things aren't all that bad! In a couple of hours, I'll be leaving home and travelling on my own to New York! Oh yeah, life can't get any better! Or can it? No parents, no restrictions...I'm free!

For those of you that see my web page now and then, I thank you. You're probably thinking that this place looks really boring. I know, I know. I'll get off my lazy rear and spoof it up. I'll do it after I get back from my trip. Not to worry! I'm thinking of learning how to put frames on my page and a bunch of other junk that looks neat.

Well, I'm outta here! Everybody take care and I'll talk to you people after I get back. Enjoy the last couple of weeks of summer everyone! School begins right smack in the beginning of September. Eech! Why on the 2nd of September? Oh yeah, to all those people entering university for the first time...you're gonna love it! Best of luck to all of you guyz!!

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